Understanding Colic in Newborn Puppies: How to Recognize and Address the Issue

Newborn puppies are delicate creatures that require special care and attention. As a responsible pet owner, it is important to know if your born puppy suffers from any disorder that makes him uncomfortable and does not allow him to enjoy life. In this case, there are puppies that are born with colic problems. Below we will tell you how to know if your puppy suffers from this condition and what to do in case you have this stomach upset scam, as well as the causes.

What is colic in newborn puppies?

Colic in newborn puppies refers to a condition characterized by severe abdominal pain and discomfort. It is often associated with excessive crying, restlessness, and an inability to settle down. Just like in human babies, colic in puppies can be quite distressing for both the puppy and the pet owner.

Symptoms of colic in newborn puppies

Recognizing the symptoms of colic in newborn puppies is crucial in order to address the issue promptly. Some common signs of colic in puppies include frequent crying, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping. You may also notice that your puppy is excessively gassy, experiencing bloating or flatulence. Additionally, colicky puppies may exhibit signs of discomfort such as arching their back, clenching their fists, or kicking their legs.

Causes of colic in newborn puppies

Colic in newborn puppies can have various causes, and it is important to identify the underlying factors contributing to the condition. One possible cause of colic in puppies is dietary issues. If the mother’s milk is not adequate or if the puppy is being fed an inappropriate formula, it can lead to digestive problems and colic. Other causes may include intestinal parasites, gastrointestinal infections, or an immature digestive system.

How to recognize if your puppy has colic

Recognizing if your puppy has colic requires careful observation of their behavior and physical symptoms. If your puppy displays the aforementioned symptoms of colic, it is likely that they are experiencing this condition. Additionally, if your puppy’s crying episodes occur at the same time every day, lasting for extended periods, it may be indicative of colic. It is important to note that colic in puppies usually resolves on its own by the time they are three to four months old.

Steps to address colic in newborn puppies

Addressing colic in newborn puppies involves a multi-faceted approach to alleviate their discomfort and promote their well-being. Firstly, ensure that your puppy is fed a proper and balanced diet. If you suspect that the puppy is not getting enough milk from the mother, consult a veterinarian for advice on appropriate supplementation. Additionally, try to create a calm and soothing environment for your puppy, as stress and anxiety can exacerbate colic symptoms. Regularly burping your puppy after feedings can also help release trapped gas and alleviate discomfort.

Tips for soothing a colicky puppy

Soothing a colicky puppy requires patience and understanding. There are several techniques that can help provide relief to your puppy. Gentle massage can be effective in soothing their abdominal pain and promoting relaxation. You can also try using a warm compress on their belly to alleviate discomfort. Providing a safe and cozy space for your puppy to rest, away from excessive noise and stimulation, can also aid in soothing their colic.

Home remedies for colic in newborn puppies

While seeking veterinary advice is always recommended, there are a few home remedies that can provide temporary relief for a colicky puppy. One such remedy is offering a small amount of chamomile tea, which has calming properties and can help alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. However, it is important to consult with your veterinarian before trying any home remedies, as some may not be suitable for your specific puppy or may interfere with other medications.

When to seek veterinary help for colic in puppies

Although colic in puppies is usually a temporary condition that resolves on its own, there are instances when veterinary intervention is necessary. If your puppy’s colic symptoms persist or worsen, or if they display additional signs of illness such as vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy, it is important to seek immediate veterinary help. A veterinarian will be able to assess your puppy’s condition, perform necessary tests, and provide appropriate treatment to address the underlying cause of the colic.

Preventing colic in newborn puppies

Preventing colic in newborn puppies can be challenging, but there are certain measures you can take to minimize the risk. Ensuring that the mother dog receives proper nutrition and prenatal care can contribute to the overall health of the puppies. Additionally, providing a calm and stress-free environment for the mother and puppies can help in preventing colic. Regular veterinary check-ups, proper hygiene practices, and a balanced diet for the puppies can also play a role in reducing the chances of colic.


Colic in newborn puppies can be a distressing condition, both for the puppy and the pet owner. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and appropriate steps to address colic is crucial in providing relief and promoting the well-being of your puppy. By recognizing the signs of colic, seeking veterinary advice when necessary, and implementing soothing techniques, you can help your colicky puppy feel more comfortable and facilitate their healthy development. Remember, always consult with a veterinarian for professional guidance tailored to your puppy’s specific needs.

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